Monday, August 24, 2009

I Feel Like the Worst Mama...or Is Scott A Bad Daddy

This morning I woke up and dragged myself out of bed, like I do every morning, did my normal morning routine (took a shower, got my make-up on and hair done, got dressed) and headed out of the bathroom to kiss my loves bye for the day. I told Scott bye and to have a good day and said bye to Dakota, our dog. When I woke up I had noticed she was not laying on her pillow, which is on my side of the room, so I just figured that she was on Scott's side of the bed and thought nothing of it. I was saying her name but I did not see her, or hear her..... and then I panicked! SCOTT! Where is Dakota? She is not in here! I flung open our bedroom door and called her name again thinking maybe she got closed out of our room last night but I still did not see or hear. I then thought to myself, ohhh no, check outside.....I peeked out of one of our master bedroom windows and saw my sweet Dakota girl laying down on the concrete, wide awake, hears perked up, just waiting so patiently for one of us to see that she was out there. I immideately ran to the back door and let her in, saying her name over and over and telling her "I'm so sorry, mama didn't know you were out there". She ran inside so fast, heading straight to our room and jumped in the bed with Scott. I followed and loved on her for a minute and then had to leave for work. Scott and I felt horrible for this to happen. Dakota is not an outside dog. She is very much an inside dog who loves to be with her mama and daddy and only be outside to play fetch.

So I guess here is what happened: I went to bed a good hour before Scott because I was just so exhausted. Scott said that he must have let her out to go potty last night and got caught up watching something on TV and then just came to bed without letting her back in. He did not even realize that she did not follow him to the room. Poor baby! Ahh, the guilt!

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