Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Happy Announcement!

I am delighted to announce that we're HAVING A BABY!!!

I am currently 13 weeks pregnant and our sweet pea is due the beginning of December; December 7th to be exact.

April 6th--Cycle day 36--5 weeks
Today I am overjoyed with emotion; un-describable emotions; emotions I have been wanting to feel for so long now. Today, Scott and I got the best news ever!!! Today, we found out that I am pregnant! Yep, we are finally pregnant and couldn't be happier. I will share how we found out this wonderful news in my next post!


Kristen @ All In My Twenties said...

I am SO happy for YOU and Scott!! I have been waiting WAY too long for you start writing again and I am so happy your blogging and its going to about your babe! Youhave to share everything cause we want to know!! Love you

samajama27 said...

Congratulations on the baby! I just had my first baby, a little girl. She is 4 months now, and it is amazing being a mommy!! :) Good luck through out the pregnancy!!